Everything you need to know about EU Leaders project

About the project

As internet in the last years, has become an integral part of our lives, it was inevitable that it will create a range of needs.

The last two years, the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighted the need of upgraded digital skills for both employees and most importantly to their leaders. Working remotely created new needs to digital tools but also to e-leadership.

EU Leaders is an Erasmus+ KA2 project which lasts 24 months, trying to tackle the problems created from this. The project began in December 2021 and ends in December 2023.



As our team observed the emergence of a new class of e-leaders, namely leaders who display strategic leadership, business, and ICT savviness.

EU Leaders is a project aiming to foster the competitiveness and productivity of businesses and organizations, through the development of strategic e-leadership skills, to manage their teams effectively and efficiently within virtual working environments.


The team behind the scenes

In order to meet the needs of this project, seven partners from six different countries joined their forces. The partnership consists of the following:

  1. Universidade De Aveiro from Portugal;
  2. Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije from Slovenia;
  3. TÜV Cyprus from Cyprus;
  4. p-consulting.gr from Greece;
  5. Nefinia from the Netherlands;
  6. Wisamar from Germany;
  7. Eurosuccess Consulting from Cyprus;

Project results

During the EU Leaders’ implementation, five project results will be developed and created. The project results are the following:

  1. Guidebook of inclusion of best practices on suitable digital working environments;
  2. e-Leadership Model adopted within tech-based and non-tech-based organisations;
  3. e-Leaders’ High-tech Course;
  4. e-learning platform for Leaders;
  5. Certification framework for the e-leadership skills;

Is this project meant for you?

The project’s target groups are primary and secondary. If you are someone of the following or if you just want to upgrade your skills, (and even become one of them) you need to learn more about our project and take advantage of its results.

Our project is addressed to:

• Entrepreneurs;
• Employers;
• Leaders / Managers;
• Organizations.
• VET trainers / teachers;
• VET mentors;
• VET training centres and other VET organisations;
• Chambers of Commerce and Industries;

Stay tuned for more info and news about the project!

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